#101 Stock Mineral (2-1)
For Beef Cattle on Pasture.
Calcium (CA) (Min) ......................................18.00%
Calcium (CA) (Max) .....................................22.00%
Phosphorus (P)(Min) ....................................10.00%
Salt (NaCI)(Min) .......................................... 4.00%
Salt (NaCI)(Max) ..........................................5.00%
Manganese (MG)(Min) ................................. 1.50%
Potassium (Min) ..........................................1.50%
Copper (CU)(Min) ...................................1,800 ppm
Selenium (Min) .......................................... 30 ppm
Zinc (ZN)(Min) ....................................... 5,000 ppm
Vitamin A (Min) ................................... 50,000 IU/lb
INGREDIENT STATEMENT: Dicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, plant protein products, salt, magnesium oxide, potassium chloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, magnesium sulfate, potassium sulfate, iron oxide, copper sulfate, zinc oxide, ferrous sulfate, manganous oxide, ethylenediamine dihydrioidide, cobalt carbonate, sodium selenite, natural and artificial flavors.
FEEDING DIRECTIONS: This mineral should be fed in dry, wind-free rain protected feeders. Place near a water source where animals gather. Provide fresh, clean water at all times. Feed to beef cattle on pasture at the rate of 2 oz to 4 oz per head per day.
#102 Stock Mineral (V-10-10)
For Beef Cattle on Pasture.
Calcium (CA) (Min) ......................................10.00%
Calcium (CA) (Max) .....................................12.00%
Phosphorus (P)(Min) ....................................10.00%
Salt (NaCI)(Min) .......................................... 6.50%
Salt (NaCI)(Max) ..........................................7.50%
Manganese (MG)(Min) ................................. 2.00%
Potassium (Min) ..........................................2.00%
Copper (CU)(Min) ...................................1,800 ppm
Selenium (Min) .......................................... 30 ppm
Zinc (ZN)(Min) ....................................... 5,000 ppm
Vitamin A (Min) ................................... 50,000 IU/lb
INGREDIENT STATEMENT: Monocalcium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, plant protein products, salt, magnesium oxide, potassium chloride, soybean oil, magnesium sulfate, potassium sulfate, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, iron oxide, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, ferrous sulfate, manganous oxide, ethylenediamine dihydrioidide, cobalt carbonate, sodium selenite, natural and artificial flavors.
FEEDING DIRECTIONS: This mineral should be fed in dry, wind-free rain protected feeders. Place near a water source where animals gather. Provide fresh, clean water at all times. Feed to beef cattle on pasture at the rate of 2 oz to 4 oz per head per day.
#437 12-12 Mineral
For Beef Cattle on Pasture.
Calcium (CA) (Min) ......................................12.00%
Calcium (CA) (Max) .....................................14.00%
Phosphorus (P)(Min) ....................................12.00%
Salt (NaCI)(Min) .......................................... 3.00%
Salt (NaCI)(Max) ..........................................4.00%
Manganese (MG)(Min) ................................. 2.00%
Potassium (Min) ..........................................2.00%
Copper (CU)(Min) ...................................1,800 ppm
Selenium (Min) .......................................... 30 ppm
Zinc (ZN)(Min) ....................................... 5,000 ppm
Vitamin A (Min) ................................. 200,000 IU/lb
INGREDIENT STATEMENT: Dicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, plant protein products, magnesium oxide, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, salt, soybean oil, copper sulfate, iron oxide, zinc oxide, ferrous sulfate, manganous oxide, ethylenediamine dihydrioidide, cobalt carbonate, sodium selenite, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, iron oxide, copper sulfate, zinc oxide, ferrous sulfate, natural and artificial flavors.
FEEDING DIRECTIONS: This mineral should be fed in dry, wind-free rain protected feeders. Feed free choice and place near a water source where animals gather. Also provide salt free choices at all times. BEEF FEEDING CATTLE: Limit the amount of MG 12-12 mineral to no more that 4 oz per head per day the first 2 or 4 weeks, then feed free choice at all times.